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5 Benefits of Installing Vinyl Siding

One of the most popular siding options people can choose for their home is vinyl siding. Over one-third of homeowners in the US choose to install vinyl siding on their exterior walls, and there are many good reasons for it. If you're thinking about installing vinyl siding, here are a few reasons it's a good idea:

  • Durable and long-lasting – Made out of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), vinyl siding lasts longer than other siding materials. It is resistant to moisture, heat, and cold weather and is able to withstand the force of b winds, making it capable of last multiple decades. This durability and longevity is what manufacturers depend on when they offer lifetime warranties on such products. This is also why a lot of installers offer the same kind of warranty for vinyl siding installation.
  • Wide array of choices – Vinyl siding comes in many different designs and colors, making it easy for you to choose the perfect option for your home. It is manufactured in different textures that emulate natural materials such as wood, stone, or slate. It's also available in over 300 colors, giving you many options to choose from.
  • Easy to install – Unlike other types of siding, vinyl siding is easier to install because it's so lightweight. You can even install vinyl siding over your existing siding, saving you the trouble of removing older materials from your home.
  • Easy to maintain – Another benefit from using vinyl siding is the ease of maintenance. There is no need to paint it because it is manufactured in multiple colors and does not have paint that peels. It won’t rot or rust and all you will need for an occasional cleaning is a bucket of soapy water and a towel.
  • Cost effective – The cost of vinyl siding is much less than other types like aluminum, cedar or wood siding. In addition, its durability makes it more cost-effective because you won’t have to replace the siding for decades as long as you clean and maintain it properly.


Best Option for Your Home’s Exterior

Vinyl siding is the best option you can get for the exterior of your home. To reap the full benefits of vinyl siding, you need expert installers like the crews from Superior Remodelers to properly handle your new siding installation. We also offer roofing installation, replacement windows, and other home renovations.

Contact us at 888-330-8148 to learn more about our home improvement services in Newtown, Connecticut.